Mysterious space objects that transmit radio signals every 54 minutes baffle scientists

Mysterious space objects that transmit radio signals every 54 minutes

Astronomers have discovered a peculiar radio signal originating from deep space that eludes current scientific understanding. Designated ASKAP J1935+2148, the signal repeats every 53.8 minutes, making it the longest period ever recorded for such a phenomenon. Published in the magazine Astronomy of Naturethe discovery, made using the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope, … Read more

Four astronauts spent 3 days in space. Here’s what it did to their bodies and minds.

Four astronauts spent 3 days in space Heres what it

Space changes you, even during short trips off-planet. Four people who spent three days outside Earth in September 2021 experienced physical and mental changes that included modest declines in cognitive tests, heightened immune systems and genetic changes within their cells, scientists report in a suite of papers published Tuesday in the journal Nature and some. … Read more